Monday, July 9, 2018


1.My learning outcomes in Educational Technology 1.

Educational Technology 1 is a subject which made me realized the importance of technology especially in this 21st century education usually relies in the influence of technology. In this subject, we tackled various topics about education using technology in which it helped me to realized that it can supplement my needs to become effective and efficient teacher someday. There are several topics and activities that my teacher gave us. In fact, different activities using the computer was being taught to us. During our prelims, I've learned on how to make a grading sheet. This grading sheet is the basic format that I as a teacher can use in the future. For our midterms, our teacher taught us on how compute grades easily using the grading sheets. The teacher gave us formulas on how to calculate. Also, the teacher taught us some techniques and give us guides on how to calculate grades. For our finals, I've learned on how to make flash cards in which I believe it could help me to make my class engaging because it could arouse the interest of learners most especially if I will add more creativity to it like animation and other forms of customization. Through Educational Technology 1, it already gave me a hint that Educational Technology 2 will be more challenging because probably using of software or application is needed. Through this subject, it made me fully understood how technology in education is really important and useful.


1.  Discussed the disparity in Educational Technology advancement in school industrialized first world country such as; United States, England, Japan, Singapore, Australia and a developing country namely the Philippines.

- Much has been said about the importance of technology in education in school. Thus, educational technology advancement is extremely needed in fulfilling to help cultivate the mind of the learners. But due to the progression of a country either it is a  industrialized first world country like U.S.A. , England, Japan,  Singapore and Australia or  some developing country like us which is the Philippines really differ in the service when it comes to  the development of technological advancement.

     Technological advancement creates huge impact to school in the system of education particularly in the modes of instructions. For those countries belong to the first world country developed technology in an advance in which it is usually accessible to their education.  Students can create and perform tasks using any types of media not just in school but also in their respective home. Students are not limited in using these various technology as an aid in their studies. Due to its advancement in technology, no doubt that students in these country is one step ahead compare to other countries in utilizing the greatest development of educational technology. On the other hand,  developing country like ours which is the Philippines continues to struggle to adapt the technological development. This is due to lack of supply and we only have limited of educational technology  existing in our country.  Students can usually use this educational technology in school but not at home. Also  in the first world countries, one computer is being utilized by one student unlike in the Philippines that one computer is commonly used by 2 or more students.
        There is really disparity  in using educational technology in school depending on how a country respond to the needs of the students. Indeed, when it comes to the first world countries the students enjoy the unlimited  service but sadly when it comes to the Philippines we struggle from our limited resources.

2. Given the lack of resources in our rural areas in the Philippines.

What media can still be used for effective learning in schools?

- Philippines is one of the developing countries in the world. It is a sad truth that truly existed in our contemporary time. This denotes that lack of resources are can not be avoided because it is inevitably occurring in our country but this doesn't mean that Philippines are so much left behind. Filipinos are known of being self-reliant and dedicated to their work most especially if our passion helps to work for it. Just like in the system of education, teachers should utilized well the existing media that can still help in effective learning in school. Even if the resources of educational technology is limited but still it is our duty to make learn out students at its best. The media that can still be used are electronic media like cellphone since it is very common to all that usually students have. Also, cellular phones are portable and through this the students can take pictures or creates video for them to study. Cellular phones are one of the best ways in communication. Through cellular phones, I believe that in this manner it can supplement for the effective learning in school.

3. Computer shops are pervasive around school but this are namely used for playing games without judging on the possibly humanizing effects of excessive computer games habit.
How can a learner best used computer resources as they may be available in schools or at home?

-Computer shops are pervasive around school but commonly and sadly to know that it is mainly used for playing games and for other purposes without considering the user to use it for educational purposes. The computer shops is not being well utilize because the learner usually uses it for playing games. Supposed, learners must use it for educational purposes instead of just wasting time surfing it. The availability of computer either in schools and home could possibly help the learners to improve knowledge and to sharpen wisdom. The best use of computer resources is mainly for educational purposes either the learners can do it at home or at school. Instead of playing games, learners can best use computer resources if they will use it for research, video tutorials, demonstration lessons and any other form of educational purposes. Thus, learners still enjoy while they are learning eventhough they are not playing games anymore.

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